An eventful news block that includes businness sales, fire, and bike races.
China Lake is a favorite place of resort for the people of this place. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Merrill, and Miss Ada Gifford, are now occupying their cottages on Birch Point.
Mr. S. A. Nye is the largest individual taxpayer in town; he has to count out $371.63 to satisfy the collector; of companies and firms the Somerset Fibre Co., pay $775.58; Lawrence Phillips & Co., $684.72 Shawmut Fibre Co., 8621.48.Hon. D. W. Allen has sold out his interest in the hardware, paints, oils and tin ware business in Fairfield to Chester Furber. He has in view a trip to Deluth, Minn., and will probably spend the winter in Chattanooga, Tenn., where he has real estate interests.
An Athletic Club has been organized in the skating rink consisting of several of the High School boys under the instruction of Steve Wing.
The mill of S. A. Nye caught fire last Thursday evening by a spark from the smoke stack. The hose carriage was got in readiness for immediate use if needed, but it was quickly extinguished by men with water pails.
There will be no services at the Universalist church during the month of August. Mr. Davis their pastor will go to his home in New York during that time. He will return to resume services the first Sunday in September.
Mr. William Pease and sister of St. Paul were in town Sunday on their way to their old home in North Anson.
P. E. Rose sold 32 1/2 bushels of strawberries for Mr. Holbrook this year paying him on an average 15 ots per basket.
The bicycle races at Fairfield have been Anally decided on for August 15th The events will be a half mile safety, novice; a mile safety; a half mile ordinary: a one mile ordinary, open to Maine and New Brunswick. A mile tandem and one mile Everything safety will be free for all. points to some of the best races ever seen in Maine. Such well known wheelmen as Ames, Patten, Wyer, Hallook and West will enter. There will be reduced fare on the railroads and a special train from Skowhegan. Gold and silver medals are offered in each event. The entries will close August 10th.